Friday, November 25, 2005
"A dislocated knee cap is when the triangular bone covering the knee (patella) moves or slides out of place. The displacement usually occurs toward the outside of the leg."
Guess what happened to me yesterday?
You know, i am really, really, really pissed off about this. I mean, I've fallen out of trees, down stairs and slopes, slipped on concrete and knocked my head on more surfaces than i can remember(which is to be expected). But despite whatever situatyion I've gotten myself into, i've always been able to sort it all out withn a day. I mean, the last time i dislocated my shoulder, i managed to push it back myself. But why, why i ask you did this happen now? I walked into a freaking chair and dislocated my kneecap! (expletive), (expletive),(expletive)!And now, I cant leave the house for a week, possiblely two weeks, and have to go for some freaking muscle therapy thingie if i dont want this to happen again. Two freaking weeks of the holidays! Dear God!
However, there is was some good to this .... this.... this occurance. I got to try nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, which is the most far out trip i have ever exprienced, if only because i have never exprienced any 'trips'..... i hope im using the lingo right.
anyways, when i first breathed the stuff in, I almost thought it wasnt going to work, but then suddenly my vision started to 'lag'. It was like a computer game. My mind seemed to seperate itself from my body, and i got the distinct sensation of being in a dream. then i saw a great deal of interesting things, which i would tell you about, but i forgot it all once i woke up.
But i did remember one thing. It seemed, when i was under the influence of the gas, that i could predict the future. I somehow knew what was going to happen a few seconds in advance. Also, i was reminded of a dream i once had, in which i was on death row because i had killed two people. In the deam, just as i was about to get executed, i remember praying like mad that the entire thing was just a dream. At which point, i woke up and forgot the dream entirely.
But, now, i wonder whether it was a dream. Maybe it was real, and God miraclously sent me back to my own past. I can't help feeling that, if i prayed when i was in that nitrous oxide induced state, i would somehow wake up and it would have been a dream. Is reality subject to perception, and not the other way around? Or maybe I'm still under the influence of the painkillers.
Exeunt Charlatan 11:07 AM
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Hello Everybody!
My long wandering across the internet has at last driven me back here to this accursed place. Sigh, i truly have no life. Anyways... Holidays have been travelling by fast, as ussual, but also at a suprisingly boring rate. Damn, who am i kidding, all holidays are like this. The feeling of wasted time lingers over me like a sceptre.... which reminds me... Infinite Crisis is Here! Hurray! Remember Crisis on Infinite Earths? Well this is something like it, but less original.... Okay, so sue me, i have a bit of a grudge against this whole thing... i mean, from my perspective, it has completely overshadowed House of M and other of Brian Bendis massive changes. Plus, its so freaking huge, i have a hard time understanding it from just two issues... i mean, i barely recogize some of the characters, i mean, who is that bad guy in balck with the lightning bolt across his chest? And why the hell are their TWO Lex Luthors. Which is which? Argh! Oh well... there's only one thing left to do at this point.
Hey! ACJC doing a Christmas Carol this weekend. Judging from Camelot, it would be a good idea to go... Plus, we get to compare the relatively new Barker Road Campus will our soon to be finished IB Campus. And look out for parts of the set that we can 'borrow' for Drama Night... Hhaahaha. But Drama is giving me... and some of the others a lot of grief.... Sigh... so many are leaving for other ventures... And word on the street is that we're doing a ....Whoops , cant say yet or im screwed. Oh well, there's only one thing left to do at this point...
Hey, i havent watched it but i here the new Harry Potter Movie is great. Actually, I didnt, but i assume, since it was a Harry Potter Movie.... I mean, just the mention of Harry Potter in anything makes it a bestseller/ box office hit... Its like magic. I sense a conspiracy.....
In my mad wandering, i have stumbled across a number of interesting things. Here they are...
The Students' SketchpadPvPPenny ArcadeClone.MangaLas Lindas Why Me?! ComicsHalley's ComicComic Search Engine Thingie
Exeunt Charlatan 11:49 AM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Another update? Will this become a trend? Tune in next week to find out! (Cue theme music)
Ah, screw it. I cant be bothered to wait till next week. besides, i dont think i've done any of these in a while so...
mmm... that feels good... Oh, yeah right... Ahem.
A couple of days ago the 416 crowd went to Sentosa, for a number of reasons, but primarily because the police were probably watching for us elsewhere. Anywho, i just realized that the people who are reading this probably were there, or will just get pissed cause they missed it. Or of course, they just dont care since they arent from Enoch. Or, if they're bots, they probably try to inform me of
Free Cruise Tickets to Kansas. So all I'll say is a big thank you to the organizers who got everyone together. In the immortal words of Ug the Cro-Magnum, "You Rock".
Damn... i have stuff to post but i need to go and get my ladder ranking up so...
Exeunt Charlatan 12:00 PM
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
At the risk of sound cliched or infringing on copyright, let me just say, Guess whose back! Or something along those lines. Actually i had decided to give up blogging in general, for a number of important reasons but mainly because im sick and tired of those damn bots. Well not really, the real reason i stopped blogging was because the exams and their general side effects had lobotomisd me. Fortunately, like many things, graveyards are not very well guarded on Hallloween and i managed to break into one and exhume a carcass and remove the frontal lobe. I'm not sure whose body it was and i would know what to say if i did( the brain transplant did not go as smoothly as planned) All i can truly say, is, thank you strange dead person, may your unmarked grave never be disturbed by the police or private investigators of any sort. And, if your feeling vengeful, remember that stoned american teenagers ,who stumble upon the cursed grounds never to escape, are much more fun to hunt and kill gruesomely. (Crosses arms across chest)End Transmission.
Sorrysorrysorrysorry, for anyone one there whos has mistakenly stumbled upon this recently revived blog by accident(Hey wait was that a double negative?). Like most 'impressionable youths' , i've been brainwashed by snazy pop culture that i have undergone a transformation into a 'decadent youth'. Sigh. I believe that this process is temporary because this post isnt littered with profanities and refferences to whatever's 'cool' now. Word up, straight up tripping not, yeah, for real.
Anyways.... Okay, schools out! Hurrah! But somehow, it does feel as good as it should. I'm plagued with chronic tiredness. I'm sleeping twelve hours a day, five more hours than usual. I think my body clock is telling me to go into hibernation, which explains why i'm getting so hairy and have a craving our honey and pic-a-nic baskets. Weird right? a couple of years back i couldnt sleep during the holidays. Now it seems like the only thing to do. I mean, there seriously nothing left to do anymore, except maybe play DotA, but i think i might be banned since my computer crashed and i left the game. But give me a break! I just got the game during the marking days and just finished the campaign. Sigh, Both Grom Hellscream and Illidian died. And the humans are really screwed up on that island thingie. What's up with Blizzard? They always let the bad guys win. Undead , Zerg....
Oh, there is one more thing to do! Yes! Choerograph people dying horrifically for BLT's latest movie! I dont think i'm allowed to give away the plot yet but you can go to his production log.....
here. Yesterday was deepavali and the day before was Halloween so i watched some bollywood horror movie. My mom stopped me from watching the scary parts but the first hour was a comedy so it was okay. Bollywood is hilarious sometimes... i mean dont get me wrong, many of the Bollywood flicks i've watched are as serious and scary as heck(look i managed not to swear!) but some are just plain funny.
TV is getting worse though. The only thing left to watch is reruns of The A-Team , Get Smart and Hogan's Heroes. Retro ownage........... damn i wanted to put a picture here but somehow cant. oh well... the only thing left ot do is read.... must get some books. I just finished Ali Smith's The Accidental and it has left me is a pseudo-depressive state because of its grim yet sadly realistic protrayals. I'm sorry but i prefer unrealistic books. We all know life's (explextive)-upped and we dont need to read a book about other people in worst states. sigh. But that's just me. Probably, when i read it again a couple of months I'd like it more but, during the holidays, my grasp of reality always starts to slip and i get more affected by fiction that i would like to admit. As a book though, it was very good. I loved the writing style and how the story began to fit together as you read. seriously. I recommend the book to anyone reading this.
Peace Out, my brothers.
And just one more thing, in case you skipped the first few paragraphs and you find yourself at the last sentence.......I'M BACK!!!!!
Exeunt Charlatan 9:43 AM