Wednesday, August 31, 2005
i love that period near the end of the term where people seem to become possessed by dark forces and envitably do incrediblity stupid things. Like run around grabbing lizards out of trees and screaming... during the prelims. I dont think we bothered anyone though.
Hunting is fun. this is a truth embedded in the deepest and darkest recesses of our minds. We are compelled to hunt, it is a primal urge that drives us. However, due to the strange shortage of deer in the ACS campus, one is forced to track smaller prey. The common tree lizard is the best we can do until someone convinces drong to build a small zoo somewhere in the new campus. In any case, yesterday a whole bunch of the 416 gang were pretty stoned since it was the last period and there was no teacher coming, a funny story behind that really but ill talk about it later. in any case, for some strange reason we managed to find a salamander somewhere in the class and because we are a proud and war-like people, we chased it away. however the epic adventure did not stop there. after a hazardous and ill-conceived attempt to recapture the salamander, we were drawn on to greater things. or at least bigger. For reasons that no longer make sense to me, i was
compelled by some strange force to see and grab a tree lizard off the ground. I honestly dont know why the hell i did that. I mean, the last time i did something so crocodile hunter-ish, i was 8 years younger. what the hell was i thinking?! but still, i frigging rocked! the damn thing was huge! i love being childishly stupid. It's so invigorating. But seriously, we let it loose in the end, after trying to feed it some grasshoppers and then letting in loose in the Drama Room. We eventually got it back in its box and unleashed it in a field. But i still think the best part of the entire exp was actually grabbing a lizard the size of my palm with my bare hands. I feel like the crocodile hunter. Woot! argh! hahaahahaha!
Exeunt Charlatan 12:54 PM
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Hurray, we finally got back our Work Experience money. Hurray. The catch is that we need to hand in our IBA Diaries and projects, or they'll reduce our salary. I can see how that makes a lot of sense. If we dont learn now, we'll never learn. Imagine! Throwing Away out-dated year old diaries! Terrible. Any logical and upstanding member of the human race surely knows enough to be a packrat.
Hurray for BLT! He's in the top ten finalist for Project Pilot!
How the hell does anyone play a short Starcraft game? it takes an age to just build and research an army. And by that time, you run out of resources!
Found this place called
Elfwood. It looks like a sort of network thingie of Fantasy and Science Fiction Artists and Writers. They have a huge collection of works! Plus, a source tells me that Jim Lee, the artist for Hush, one of the best Batman stories ever!
Exeunt Charlatan 2:46 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
worrisome thing happened to me during the rugby match. For some reason i reverted to my 'evil' persona. I thought i killed that thing already.
"I can ban chewing gum and make it stick!" The PM is starting to sound like Drong, esspecially when describing the plans for Singapore's future.... for the benifit of the ISD, I shall type HURRAY! HURRAY!
Argh october is exams! october is exams!
*** PLOT TWIST****
Something occured to me, but i dont want to tell you because you might think i'm crazy. I began to understand something that had been bugging me for a while and a realized that something didnt have to be really real to be real enough. And then of course i stopped thinking very fast because i remember what happened the last time i was thinking like this and i didnt want that to happen again but it was too late a i felt something else in my head i was worried for a time but then we stopped worrying because i didnt have any choice in the matter no more because i had already lost myself. Then we spoke and start to spread the idea and the thought and hopefully more people will be going down that path that we shown them and when they realize and try to escape they wont be able to because they would lost themselves. Theni gathered up what was left and found myself again like i always do but then i am still worried because we said to me that we were still there at the back of my head.
And i realized that i was wasting my time because you will misunderstand this when you read it.
Exeunt Charlatan 6:42 PM
Friday, August 19, 2005
You know that you really dont like your life when you look out the window and see a guy filling potholes... and you think it looks like fun.
Exeunt Charlatan 1:50 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hahaha! ACS has taken back the rugby title from the Saints. In a seriously close match too. Drong has said to have promised a two day holiday(or was it just the victory sign?) Anyway, we won. Woot. Unnamed sources say that last year, and this year, we lost cause the crowd didnt cheer enough. Well, this year i like to think that we cheered a lot, thanks to the prefects and some sec 4. Quite of few 416ers.
Exeunt Charlatan 8:13 PM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
hahahaha! I think i finally got all of em. All the 416 blogs. If anyone has any problem just drop a comment here.
Unfortunately, many 416er have given up blogging since. Noooo!
Exeunt Charlatan 8:26 PM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
What's up with me these days? You know, when i started this blg, i honestly wanted to use it as a medium to just do what i always wanted to do. Tell stories. Just stories. But somehow i never managed to do that. I keep moving away from that. its almost as if im afraid of actually sharing my ideas. I dont know why,its just one of my many,many mental disorders. Well based on feedback i got from certain sourses, i realize that his needs to change. I need to find a new inspiration something that could reignite the creative fire or whatever. Perhaps i should look into recreational drugs or something...
Oh, who am i kidding, i just cant change. Let try some humor again. I always thought that comedy was easy. And it is too, at least, outside blogs. Esspecially when your talking face to face(It's the accent, i'm sure, or perhaps the fake mustache) But while blogging? A bit difficult for me. Perhaps i would do better if i focus on getting a single funny essay out once a week or something. Unfortunately, i can only start doing that later in life, when i no longer have to learn to dance the polka whilst reciting the names of African tribal gods for the sick and sadistic amusment of......people who i suspect make up most of my readership. oh, shit.
If anything can be said about us, that special subspecies of Sporeans referred to with terror as ACSians, it would probably be censored by the a wandering hacker who stumbled across this page, before he when to wash his brain with oven cleaner. Fortunately, i can probably tone it down a bit. We ACSians are, in essence, a bunch of bloody-minded,arrogant, sociopathic, dastardly slackers and , to quote Mr See, MORONS. However, this means that we are also good liars and probably will be considered intellegent, precocious and hard-working by anyone sane
(or insane depending on which side of the fence your being impaled on).
But seriously folks, back to the funnies. I probably am not as funny as i hope to be. Still, that doesnt stop me from trying. It plain stubbornness since i feel that keeping a funny blog stops me from being overtly ridiculous in real life(a lie). And even if the only get a snigger from some guy in Mumbai, then i'll be happy( eventhough the only reason he's sniggering is because he feels obligated to)
Exeunt Charlatan 4:03 PM
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Need to write research and write 3 weeks worth of work in 3 HOURS. Oh dear God.
Exeunt Charlatan 11:25 AM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Well, its official, Nathan will be the president. No battle this year folks. The other two dudes got kicked out already, they dont qualify. Bummer man. But on the plus side, we still have an Indian in the Istana
Exeunt Charlatan 7:50 PM
Friday, August 12, 2005
Did you see the frontpage article in the HOME section of ST about those feuding neighbours? Some people just dont know when to quit. I serious wonder why anyone would do something so stupid. Do these people just like to go to court? The article said that the feud has even attracted people from overseas to come and watch"just to catch a glimpse of the action". What the hell is wrong with you people?! Cant you keep your anger bottled up like the rest of us. If you want to swear at people for no real reason, just get in your car and on the highway and do it like everyone else.
i just realized that people who keep blogs that critize the gahmen all dont really have any vested interest in singapore. Their all young enough to leave anytime they want. I also realized that it is possible that they dont even live in Singapore at all. Such people are just creating anarky for the sake of it. Terrible.... What is the world coming too? Are we livng in a place where people make brash statements just to get readership? Den,den,den.
Oh dear God, i think i actually meant some of that. What is wrong with me? I must be losing my evil streak.
Exeunt Charlatan 8:57 PM
Exeunt Charlatan 2:21 PM
Okay, dont really have much to post on but that never stopped me before.
Went to watch Charlie and Chocolate Factory with Ali, Jordan and Reuben. They said they had enough tickets, however, they lied. I think they forgot to update the board-tv screen thingie somehow. Then we tried to get tickets for Wedding Crashers but they wanted four ICs, for some strange reason.We ended up watching Bewitched two hours later. You know, cinemas need to keep their act straight. Sometimes they let people in without checking IDs and sometimes..... ah bugger i, i dont give a damn really.
Argh, i cant ramble and rant anymore for some reason, its like my mind isnt itself. argh. I can barely even think of anything random.
Exeunt Charlatan 1:56 PM
hahahaha! Success! I passed my O-level malay with a C6! hahaha! God be praised! His love endures for ever! hallelujah! hahaha!
Exeunt Charlatan 1:53 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Today is national day. Spore was kicked out of Malaysia exactly 40 years ago today. Hurrah for us. Funny thing, lots of people have taken the opportunity to go overseas for a short(or long) holiday. The rest are more interested in that new TV show after the parade starring all the random Singapore Idol people. Also, a good percentage of the population, at least a good percentage of all the young people in the population are happy because this is an excuse to go clubbing and have a wild party. Ha, a wild party in Spore. When will they ever learn.
Lots of people suddenly visited this blog from all over the world. Then i found out that the majority just stayed a few seconds. This is demoralizing. I better start learning how to personalize this template with lots of over-the-top stuff. Then perhaps people will stay longer. Ahh, who am i kidding. I'm just make them stay longer by putting up so much info that it takes an hour to load.
Singapore is alwqays having so many conventions and stuff. We should have a convention for random/weird/strange people.
Rock band names - Multimedia Speakers, Redbook, Warsong, Stepup, Feesics, Sains, Munysi, Piratic Equations, Gigglefit, Straitjacket. Second-String and of course 29344.
Got a job as an extra on one of BLT's films, some Vietnam war thing. The plot consisted of Jeff being tortured by Matthias and Bloke, then in a classic BLT climax, the americans siege the place and everyone blew everyone else to bits. There was a classic BLT twist too, (Bloke turns out to be a double agent). The best part was of course when Bloke gets shot and BLT splatters him with ketchup(it looks damn real too).
The General Appreciation Club holds its first meeting on thursday. There is no definitive location. Just spend a couple of minutes appreciating stuff around 3.00pm and we'll give you a CASL hour.
Merry Christmas!
Exeunt Charlatan 1:41 PM
Monday, August 08, 2005
What's the point of all this if people dont know what we're doing this for. Why we are the way we are, why we do things the way we do. Why we speak like this and walk like this and see things this way. What the point of anything if people forget the dream.We did everything for the dream. Not for country or for wealth or science or for humanity. We did it for the dream. That one dream, the story that drives us and binds us. What is life without the dream. Without the dream we are without hope, without hope, what chance is their of salvation, or of redemption? I begin to wonder how anyone could live without the dream, knowing, and accepting this terrible meaninglessness that consumes ours minds and our souls how we let time trickle by steadily not realizing the joy of the dream forgotten. then, of course at thi spoint i remember that the price is great too, to great for some as it seems. You can only be one place at a time here, but in the dream you are everywhere. THis is the price and the blessing of the dream. to see the world not as it is but as it should be, as it could be, if only you stop looking this way and start looking properly(or wrongly, i forget which). In the dream there are such stories and such peoples like none you can ever meet or hear of in our limited world. admittedly, it would be easy to do so, if one were to travel and to simply look. But without the dream why would one bother. The dream is the answer, but it is also the question. And so we are drawn to it, inexplicably, as a moth to a flame, but more like a lost soul to God, for indeed, was it not our creator that first gave us this dream, the dream of something else that defined the rules that our flesh are bound to? is it not the dream that sets us apart from the animals, the birds, beast and insects. The dream is the breath of God. The dream, such a feeble word for such a concept, the hope it is also, the chance and possibility. The dream is the word for everything we hold dear, everything we want to achieve. The dream is evrything for everything is nothng more than the dream.
Exeunt Charlatan 9:23 PM
Sunday, August 07, 2005
hey.. i just realized that im always exactly 200 posts behind acxis.and i started roughly 200 days after Acxis.YAY! Hurray for standarisation!
but i just realized that by making this known i throw off the trend.
Exeunt Charlatan 11:49 AM
On some other blog i posted something about The Scream. I said that when you type it in on a search engine, its never in the top five results. i was wrong. Apparently, now that its been stolen again, and this time not returned, it is more valuable. No, just kidding all you can find is still only either this....
or this...
actually im lying. But its funnier right?
Exeunt Charlatan 11:26 AM
Friday, August 05, 2005
Look its Insanity!There, right behind you! Quick grab it before it jumps in
your head! Whoops too late!
Its really weird trying to blog for the sake of blogging. ive become disillusioned with the whole affair. People only read blogs if they are politically satirical or about people they know. Also, people only write blogs to display all their inward emotions for all the world to see, and then complain when people actually do and start to critize. since it is clinically impossible for me to reveal anything without a sinister ulterior motive(that most of the time, even i dont know about until later) i realized that i am really screwed if i want sensational readership. The only thing i can do is lie shamelessly in the vain hope that people will come here just to stop me. But then, isnt that what blogging really is.
ever had any problems with quasi-real entities? it sucks.
Ken Tay told me today what pwned means. apparently, its a warcraft term for lopping of someone's cranium and selling it to a pawn shop. i awlays thought it was because 'P' was next to 'O' on the keyboard and some dumbass who was trying to type 'owned' ended up with 'pwned' and so a trend began. oh well.
Being Depressed about nothing is the most wonderful feeling in the world. it has all the aspects of real depression except for no reason. You want to kill yourself just because of nothing. it good because you cant go for therapy since there is nothing wrong with you, in a sense. Perhaps you feel that your life is wasting away riht in front of you. Or a tap is running in your brain and the sink is clogged.
Starting work on the Errata Javaman comic script. i say starting because i only have the storyline in my head somewhere but can only find fragments here and there. going to use Frank the Evil Magician in it since he is no longer needed for Enoch's BtP project.
But what is the BtP project. Well, some time back Enoch created one of the most memorable characters in 416 fiction, Bob the Pirate. Ken Tay and I are trying to get him on the internet so he can spread like a cancer across the world. We working for BtP in the White House by 2012! He may not be real but hopefully, through cunning video editting, no one will figure that out untill its too late.
Exeunt Charlatan 2:45 PM
argh. C maths and Chem test today....
Exeunt Charlatan 2:34 PM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
i just found this picture on my computer. i dont remember putting it there, and i sure as hell dont know where it came from. since the name of the file is 'dulce', i suppose it has something to do with, 'dulce es decorum es, pro patri mori' so something.... (cue x-files music)
Exeunt Charlatan 9:51 PM
I just thought of the best job in the world....
A 'Rock-band Namer'. I mean, just think about it... you get to hang out with rock stars and celebrities all day long, get invited to all the parties by all your grateful clients and get paid obscene amounts of money by them too. And all you have to do for it is just sit around thinking up weird names. Like Indigo Walruses or Racket-10 or 3dash1(ahem)... i mean dotdotdash.
pretty cool,eh.
Exeunt Charlatan 9:39 PM
i've always had a problem getting ideas across to people. Ussually, i have to tell them complete different things to get the to get what im saying. For instance, if, for some reason, your hair was on fire, and for some other reason, you didnt know it, you would hear something like, "Indigo voracious walruses named beavis are dancing the polka on the tenth planet of hiccups!" when i came up to you and said "your hair is on fire". Likewise for the inverse. So, although i ussuallyget by by not setting people's hair on fire and not concerning myself with the affairs of indigo walruses. However, this phenomenon has always affected me deeply and one day i will become a postman because of it.
What is the meaning of meaning? This seems a trick question but it is crucial in philosophy which is language-dependent. It helps us clarify the way information emerges, how information is sustained and how something can be measured.
Socrates questioned the fundamental meaning of what we believed with the Socratic Method. Cogito ergo sum was Descartes’ way of discovering the meaning of life and the universe. However, there are yet other meanings to meaning. Frege noted that meaning of a name is not just what it refers to. Grice distinguished between natural meaning which links connected ideas and non-natural meaning which links independent ideas.
I would like to suggest that meaning is what we give to the world around us. However, the natural world does not need meaning to justify itself. Meaning is the product of human civilization. It distinguishes the aspects of the world and gives us the illusion of control. It helps us face the reality of an infinite universe and relentless time. For example, what meaning exists in the constellations? Yet, all sorts of beliefs from astrology to cosmology have emerged.
Meaning has many meanings. It answers our persistent questions. The finding of meaning is what makes us human.
Exeunt Charlatan 9:28 PM
along with the 'dulce' pic i also found this poem which i must have found at some point. its WH Auden’s
Shield of Achilles. It's quite the interesting read, esspecially if your like me and like fusion-fiction, which is to say, old myths redone by more modern writers. Let me illustrate. also, for some strange reason, ill include some random refferences to metals, because, this is afterall, a chemistry assignment.
W.H. Auden’s poem The Shield of Achilles is inspired by an episode from Homer’s The Iliad. It as a number of references to metals as it is set in a iron foundry. The poem describes the events just after Patroclus is killed in battle wearing Achilles’ armor. Achilles’ protective mother, Thetis, goes to Hephaestos and asks for a new shield for her son. She expects a shield made of shining metal depicting the glory of war as she feels that such a shield will make Achilles invincible in battle. As a mother, Thetis is sadly oblivious to the tragic fate awaiting her son as all her notions of war are romanticized or, [perhaps, it is emotionally easier on her to live in denial.
Hephaestos, on the other hand, is completely aware of the true destructive nature of war. He creates the shield with a sky like lead which is a dull-colored grey metal. In the forge-light, she sees scenes of barbed wire to depict the death and destruction of battle. Perhaps, he wishes to dash Thetis’ false hopes and awaken her to the posssiblilty that her son will soon die in battle.
Hephaestos’ views about war are a reflection of W H Auden’s anti-war sentiments. The senselessness and waste of armed conflict is evident throughout the poem. The poem’s tensions lie in Thetis’ desires to see her son in a pure and victorious setting when contrasted with the brutalities on the shield; the conflict is resolved at the end with Thetis’ eventual understanding.
The first metal-related word poem is ‘shining’. It is repeated again in two other stanzas. It is used to describe the shield that Hephaestos is forging for Achilles. ‘Shining’ is a word usually associated with metals. It depicts one of the most easily recognized qualities of metal, its ability to reflect light.
The second reference to metals is ‘a sky like lead’. This has a number of meanings, depending on how it is interpreted. Lead is a metal that loses its luster very quickly. Most of the time it is a dull, dark colored metal. This means that a ‘sky like lead’ is a dark and cloudy sky, like the one seen just before a storm.
The words ‘barbed wire’ and ‘knife’ are also mentioned in the text. These are both thingies that are made of metal. They are also associated with imprisonment and betrayal respectively.
The final mention of metal in the poem is the word ’iron-hearted’. This is used as a compliment as it implies bravery. However, iron is also a metal that can rust. Perhaps it is an insult, perhaps Achilles is about to be corrupted and ruined by something. In any case, there is only one thing we can know for sure.
Metals are an integral part of society. They represent the backbone of modern day life. Without metals, humans would be nothing more that a rapidly shrinking group of hairless handicapped apes. With metals however, we have become veritable gods compared to our primate cousins. However, what would happen if all the metals in the world suddenly disappeared. Our civilization would collapse. Skyscrapers would tumble and fall. Computers would be rendered useless. Iron and steel mills would stop milling around. But would it be all bad, surely since all weapons would be rendered useless, would we perhaps become a peaceful and docile people. Of course not. We would still have fists and clubs and other objects which can be used to cause death by blunt force trauma. We would undoubtedly fall into a state of panic and rioting.
So does this mean that metals act as chains to keep our inherent violent nature in place? The answer to this question is a mystery.
Exeunt Charlatan 9:20 PM
Above all else remember
To be Random is, in
truth, to glimpse at Chaos. And a glimpse of Chaos is a glimpse at all the inner
workings of Life ,the Universe and
Everything. And this in itself is Hope, for it is the Answer to that One Great
Question that has tormented us mere
mortals since Time
Exeunt Charlatan 4:18 PM
Monday, August 01, 2005
Dramanite is truly finally over! Hurray. Second night was a great success, much better that the first. (Maybe cause it was full of parents and club alumni) nevermind, same difference.
but seriously folks, i cant believe that dramanite, and Drama in general is finally over. it seemed to have passed by so fast, now. four whole years. From Inspector Samy in sec one, to Guru Gotcha in Sec 2 to Boot Polish in Sec 3 and Karang Guni Man in Sec four. whoa...I've had a hand in so many productions, i can only remember the really big ones. it been great fun. there a lot of people to thank too. in fact, too many to just post here. i mean, how can i? there's all of the alumni, the execo and this year's sec 4s, sec 3s, sec 2s and sec1s. and the teachers/senior admin of course(at least 200 people in all). There so many people, so many Dramatists. People who you can always pick out in a crowd because their eyes shine. Dreamers, in essence... People you never forgot. God bless you all.
Exeunt Charlatan 11:52 AM